2020-2021 News & Events Archive
2021 Accreditation Results
The Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board
The Cal Poly landscape architecture department is excited to report that The Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board (LAAB) has granted the program accreditation with no recommendations for 6 years beginning June 2021. The next accreditation review is scheduled for spring of 2027.
Accreditation is a non-governmental, voluntary system of self-regulation. Its core is the concept of self-evaluation. LAAB considers the program’s self-evaluation report and the report from the visiting team when making their decision.
You can read the full report here: https://www.asla.org/uploadedFiles/CMS/Maps/Education_Programs
Learn more about the LAAB and the accreditation’s process here: https://www.asla.org/accreditationlaab.aspx
2021 SOCAL ASLA Quality of Life Awards
Student Work Category
Congratulations to Cal Poly Landscape Architecture graduate, Jordan Chiang, on being awarded an Honor and Merit award from the 2021 SOCAL ASLA Quality of Life Awards! The student work category invited Landscape Architectural/Planning/Urban Design students to submit work of superior design quality, innovative landscape architectural planning, analysis, research communications, and/or leadership. To view the projects, visit the link here: https://socal-asla.org/2021-design-awards/
2021 ASLA Student Awards
Award of Excellence - Student Community Service Category
Congratulations to Cal Poly Landscape Architecture graduate, Sarah Maloney, on being awarded the 2021 ASLA Award of Excellence in the Student Community Service Category for her project “A Garden Can Cultivate An Inmate: Reimagining Youth Incarceration”!
The winning projects exemplify the highest level of achievement in the profession. You can read more about her incredible project here: https://www.asla.org/2021studentawards/3338.html
Daniel Zwier/Permaloc Innovation Scholarship
Landscape Architecture Foundation
Congratulations to landscape architecture student, Emerson Goo, for being awarded the inaugural Daniel Zwier/Permaloc Innovation Scholarship as the second runner-up! The scholarship was created to help students pursuing a degree in landscape architecture take the skills and knowledge obtained and apply them to careers in areas such as product development, entrepreneurship, politics, nonprofit service, and any other possibility an applicant can imagine. You can read more about the scholarship and Emerson by visiting https://www.lafoundation.org/news/category/scholarships
David Evans and Associates, Inc. Scholarship
David Evans and Associates, Inc. (DEA)
Congratulations to landscape architecture students, Jessica Baiza and Tammy Chao on being awarded a David Evans and Associates, Inc. (DEA) scholarship. DEA offered five recipients merit-based scholarships of $3,000 to women and/or members of historically underrepresented segments of the US population for the 2021-2022 academic year.
LAF 2021 Scholarship Winners
Landscape Architecture Foundation
Congratulations to fourth-year student, Elissa Urbina on winning the Peridian International, Inc./Rae L. Price, FASLA Scholarship; third-year student Emerson Goo on winning the Hawaii Chapter ASLA/David T. Woolsey Scholarship; and fifth-year student Jordan Chiang on winning the Landscape Forms Scholarship in Memory of Peter Lindsay Schaudt, FASLA through the Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF)! LAF awarded over $125,000 to 22 outstanding students for its 2021 scholarship season! You can read more about LAF and the scholarship winners here: https://www.lafoundation.org/what-we-do/scholarships/student-scholarships
2021 Landscape Architecture Senior Show
March 12, 2021
Congratulations to the landscape architecture class of 2021 on the virtual senior show that took place on March 12th. Visit https://www.cplaseniorshow.com to view the senior capstone projects, students and awards!
LADAC Winter Noon Lecture
February 16, 2021
The Winter Quarter noon LADAC lecture featured Pamela Conrad and her discussion of Climate Positive Design. Pamela is a principal with CMG Landscape Architecture in San Francisco. She developed an award-winning carbon calculator app that was highlighted in a recent issue of Landscape Architecture Magazine. Click HERE to watch the lecture.
In Memoriam - Gary Karner
November 23, 2020
The landscape architecture department is sad to announce the passing of former lecturer, Gary Karner, on November 23, 2020. Gary spent many years in the department, from 1987 until 2000, specializing in teaching in the professional practice and mapping areas. After retiring from Cal Poly and SWA where he was Managing Principal and Senior Project Manager, he continued to do community service work, especially with the Los Osos sewer and community development.
Gary received an MLA from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design in 1961 and a BSLA from the University of California at Berkeley in 1958. He was licensed as a Landscape Architect in three states: California, Washington, and Michigan.
Faculty and students who worked with Gary said that he was a wonderful person, warm, thoughtful, kind and wise. He always had a “business common sense" attitude about everything, but also was tuned into education and the creative processes. Gary also had a great way of listening and making everyone feel heard. He will be greatly missed.
Photo courtesy of Pandora Karner
In Memoriam - Gary Dwyer
August 9, 2020
We are sad to announce our dear friend and colleague, Emeritus Professor Gary Dwyer, passed away on August 9th, 2020. Gary played an in influential role in the department, joining Cal Poly in 1973. Please visit the department's memorial page HERE.
Photo courtesy of Dr. Odile Ayral
2020 ASLA Student Awards
Award of Excellence - Communications Category
Congratulations to July Aung for the Award of Excellence (Communications Category) in 2020 ASLA Student Awards! July’s project is titled “Jia: Bringing Landscape Architecture to Webtoons”, and it uses webtoon as a medium to inform younger audiences about the growing issues in Landscape Architecture, and inspire them to take action. Great work, July!
2020 Bill Millsap Fellowship
Architecture and Design Exchange
Congratulations to fifth-year student, Jeremy Dvorak, on being awarded the 2020 Bill Millsap Fellowship, hosted by Architecture and Design Exchange, for his project proposal "The Quiet Heroism of the Everyday Place." To learn more about Jeremy's project, watch the video HERE.

Beverly Bass Appointed as Department Head for Cal Poly’s Landscape Architecture Department
July 1, 2020
Cal Poly’s Landscape Architecture Department is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Beverly Bass as department head, beginning July 1, 2020.
Bass has served Cal Poly as a faculty member in the Landscape Architecture Department since 2008, and as a full professor since 2019. She is a licensed Landscape Architect in California and worked for several years as a landscape planner before serving as principal of EcoMagine Landscape Architecture in San Luis Obispo. She earned a Master of Landscape Architecture degree from the University of Arizona in 2003.
Bass’ scholarly interests include rural and small-town development, walkability and sustainability. Her work experience includes project management, public workshop facilitation, design and planning in the Sacramento region. She is a certified arborist and is a USGBC LEED Accredited Professional. She has served on the Cal Poly Academic Senate, the Campus Planning Committee and as a member of the Resilient Communities Research Institute.