Ed Batchelder

Office |
Retired from City of Chula Vista Development Services Department |
Phone | (619) 490-9119 |
batchbunch@cox.net |
Now retired, Ed Batchelder served as the City of Chula Vista’s Advance Planning Manager overseeing long-range planning operations with a staff of 11. Chula Vista is the second largest city in the San Diego region, with a population of 245,000. He has over 26 years of local government experience in a variety of capacities, but with particular expertise in the areas of land use planning and General Plans, policy development, regional planning and growth management. Ed managed a broad range of projects and programs involving the development of a full-range of General Plan Elements, Specific and Master plans, regulatory plans for large master planned communities, development and administration of growth management systems, housing policy, open space and parks, energy and water conservation, and greenhouse gas reduction and air quality improvement.
Mr. Batchelder served as Program Manager for the City’s latest comprehensive General Plan Update from 2002-2005, overseeing a diverse team of staff and consultants, a $3.85 million dollar budget, and the largest public outreach program in the City’s history. He was also responsible for the City’s Growth Management Oversight Commission. At the regional level, Ed served as the City’s liaison with the San Diego Association of Governments as a member of their Regional Plan Technical Working Group, and participated on a variety of task forces, including the Public Health Stakeholders Working Group and the 2050 Regional Forecast Expert Review Panel.
In addition to land use duties, Ed’s team was also responsible for administering environmental and resource planning efforts including the Multiple Species Conservation Program, mitigation monitoring, the Otay Valley Regional Park, and the development of energy-conserving and carbon-reducing community- and site-design provisions as part of the City’s Climate Action Plans.
Mr. Batchelder is a graduate of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (LA 1984), and a member of the American Planning Association and Urban Land Institute.