Spring 2019 Senior Showcase
Cal Poly’s fifth-year landscape architecture students will cap off a year of intensive research and design work by showcasing a broad spectrum of thesis projects to the public in June.
The Landscape Architecture graduating class will hold its “Capstone Studio Showcase” on June 7, 2019. Titled “Margarita’s Mixtape,” the show reflects the creativity, dedication and talent of the Senior Studio class. The show will be held from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the historic, Dallidet Adobe and Gardens, 1185 Pacific St, in San Luis Obispo. Please join us for this special event.
To support this event, please visit the “go fund me” site that students have created at: https://www.gofundme.com/landscape-architecture-senior-show-03919?utm_medium=email&utm_source=product&utm_campaign=p_email%2B4803-donation-alert-v5
The following are the student projects that will be showcased in this event:
Breanne Alton
Fostering Social Mobility in Pemberton Hill
Reeling from a century of planning neglect and malfeasance, Pemberton Hill is a South Dallas community with an over 80% childhood poverty rate. This social justice project seeks to mitigate the built environment in a youth-focused master plan that provides opportunity for advancement from poverty conditions.
Sofia Assi
Fragmented Future
It’s the final call to save the world from climate catastrophe. At a time when cities are under pressure from growing populations, global warming and worsening inequality, we are required to adapt to a new standard of living. Fragmented Future will re imagine the future of sustainable living through an artificial, materially closed ecological system in the heart of Paris that demonstrates how to embrace a healthier future while mending the environmental impacts the human species has generated.
Edgar Baltazar
Petty's Island Preserve
A project that deals with phytoremediation of the site, as it was a former shipyard and petroleum refinery site. The project is interwoven with an educational component where the intercity kids are considered to study during the summer and learn about the environment, biology, plant diversity and community.
Hau Chung J Chan
Heritage Oak Hospital Therapeutic Garden
Sacramento is one of the cities in California with the highest number of mental health patients suffering from depression. This therapeutic garden design is located at the Heritage Oak Hospital in Sacramento. It provides an interactive outdoor environment that seeks to help improve patients’ physical and mental health on the grounds of this freestanding acute psychiatric hospital.
Kyle Clark
Groundbreaking infrastructure for the beautiful game of soccer in the Bay Area of CA.
Sydney Clark
Dark Sky
This project focuses on the effects light pollution has on the environment, on human health, and on the psychological disconnect created by the polluted night sky. Through the use of innovative technology and sustainable practices this project will create an engaging “dark sky” experience that educates people on light pollution, provides novel solutions, and reconnects people to the natural world.
Christina Du Mont
in si・tu
/ˌin ˈsīto͞o,ˌin ˈsēto͞o/ defined as: into the wild: in one’s natural habitat
Perth, Australia is currently experiencing the worst extinction rates in the world. This project imagines a campaign that educates the public about this environmental crisis with an animal extinction museum and by creating public art installations that endangered animals utilize as homes. Through the workings of multiple art habitat locations and a large-scale museum, subliminal and loud messages are sent to the public about the severity of these issues.
Tyler Ellison
EdibleIdeas.us –
Exploring a curated Web Resource for growing food anywhere.
Holly Hillegass
A Learning Landscape: The Peace Academy of the Sciences & Arts
The project aims to revolutionize the current educational system by developing a curriculum based on a new contextualized learning style by creating a new campus and classroom designed to inspire students. This K-12 campus is nestled into the rolling hills of San Luis Obispo and embraces the natural topography and landscape to not only serve as inspiring place to learn but also to learn valuable lessons from the landscape.
Nathan Kwong
BME: Brief Moment Elsewhere
A project created with the goal of bringing back a lively centralized community space into downtown SF with a design that is influenced by the region's surrounding natural systems.
Kord McKinney
The Gold Standard
A refuge for the Forgotten Youth through sustainable skatepark design, reusable landscapes, and multi-programmatic elements so that Los Angeles can build its community capacity while preparing the city for the 2028 Olympics.
Blake Rawlings
Watershed restoration and resiliency with a public 9 hole golf course design.
Arthur Takioto
Translocal Destinations
Connect and enhance the urban fabric of the Crenshaw transit corridor to promote an active and public transit-oriented lifestyle around rail.
Kevin Vankham
Riverwalk San Diego
Connecting disconnected communities to a new central space that provides an opportunity to explore regrowth and habitat restoration.