Course Supplies

The list below provides an estimate of supplies and expenses for specific classes and class sections. For an exact list of materials needed or questions about cost, printing and field trips of a particular section, please reach out to the faculty member teaching the course. Costs can differ, depending on where materials are purchased (estimates are based on items in the University Store, Amazon or Staples, for example). Additional information can be found in the section ‘Textbook/Other Materials’ when enrolling.

Students struggling to afford the cost of supplies and equipment can contact the college advising center at to learn about the Materials Pantry and computer loaner program.

**Note that most materials need to be purchased only once; however, expendable materials will need to be replaced as they are used. 

If you have any further questions, please reach out to the department at

Cost Estimates for materials/supplies and other expenses

Class Expenses Cost Est.
LA 101 Supplies + text available at no cost digitally, or $40 from booksellers $20-$70
LA 170 pens/pencils, drafting tools, etc.

$250 +/-

LA 171 Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, printing, other materials $55 +/-
LA 202 project supplies/printing $40-$50
LA 203 drafting/model supplies, printing $40-$60
LA 204 project supplies, printing, field trips $50-$100
LA 211 none $0
LA 212 TopHat app $30
LA 241 general supplies (not including computer-based costs) $50 +/-
LA 242 project supplies, printing, field trips $55+
LA 243

drawing supplies, textbook (no-cost from Kennedy Library or $40

from booksellers), printing

LA 320 textbook, printing


LA 330 none $0
LA 349 circle template, Sunset Western Garden book $40
LA 350

shared costs include printing, materials, and transportation;

funding may be available to offset student costs

LA 371 none $0
LA 402 Drawing supplies, plotting, field trip $25-$75
LA 403 drafting tools, printing, field trips $50-$150
LA 404 pencils/pens, drafting tools, etc. $45-$150
LA 405 printing $105
LA 406 drafting/model supplies, 3D & large format printing, field trips $135-$180
LA 431 printing $30 +/-
LA 432 printing/plotting $20-$30
LA 433 printing, local travel $20 +/-
LA 434 printing, local travel, project costs (vary based on project) $20-$100
LA 435 none $0
LA 436 drafting supplies/printing $30-$40
LA 437 Cube 3D print, poster print $15
LA 438 printing (two projects); textbook: "Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro" $100-$115
LA 461 first quarter project supplies, printing $20-$30
LA 461 second quarter project supplies, printing/plotting for Senior Show $200-$300
LA 470 printing/plotting $30-$40
LA 521 printing/plotting, field trip (gas) $50
LA 531 printing/plotting $25
LA 538 none $0


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