Change of Major Students


The Landscape Architecture Department is an impacted major at Cal Poly and thus the process to transfer into the department is competitive. Depending on student enrollment numbers in the year that a student wants to transfer into the Landscape Architecture Department, there might only be a few spaces available for change of majors, or no spaces at all. On-campus students who are considering Landscape Architecture as a major must satisfy the following requirements before being considered for acceptance:


I. General Guidelines

A. Minimum Time at Cal Poly

Students must complete at least one quarter at Cal Poly before requesting a change of major.

B. Basic Criteria Used in Determining Change of Major Options

The Landscape Architecture Department will consider the following criteria in determining whether or not to enter into an individualized change of major agreement (ICMA) with a student:

  • Whether the student was eligible for the Landscape Architecture major at the time of admission (e.g., MCA Academic Score),
  • The student's college academic record (e.g., GPA, coursework completed, etc.), and
  • Remaining coursework and the student's ability to complete degree requirements in the Landscape Architecture major within the 247 maximum limit (223 total units required for the Landscape Architecture major, plus a maximum of 24 units allowed by Cal Poly in excess of program requirements).

C. One Chance to be Accepted

Students who enter into an ICMA and do not complete the ICMA requirements will not be eligible to request that major again later in their career at Cal Poly.

D. Completion of Change of Major

The change of major will be approved once the student has successfully met all of the requirements of the ICMA.

E. Timeframe

The ICMA must be feasible to complete and be completed in no more than two quarters.

F. Academic Standing

A change of major agreement will be void if a student is academically disqualified prior to the completion of the agreement.

II. Requesting a Change of Major

  1. Meet with current advisor to review major options and talk about career paths. Consider, also, consulting with Career Services, other advisors, and faculty and/or department heads/chairs in both current and Landscape Architecture majors.
  2. Meet with the Landscape Architecture Department Head (or designee) to determine the likelihood of success in the Landscape Architecture major.
  3. Review the curriculum requirements for the Landscape Architecture major.
  4. If the Landscape Architecture major is not a good fit for the student, the student will be advised to look at other options.
  5. If the student receives a positive assessment based on consideration of the basic criteria as outlines above, and it is clear that he/she can complete degree requirements in the Landscape Architecture major with the unit maximum (the unit maximum is 24 units above program requirements), then an ICMA will be developed (see below).

III. Individualized Change of Major Agreement (ICMA)

The ICMA will cover no more than two quarters and will include the following components:

  1. A maximum of three specified courses or 12 units in the Landscape Architecture major. In order to satisfy requirements to be considered for acceptance into the Landscape Architecture major, students must successfully complete courses (or equivalents) from the list below with a grade of "C" or better.
    • One of the following: LA 101 (4) Introduction to Landscape Architecture, or LA 171 (4) Principles of Digital Communication, and
    • One of the following: LA 211 (4) History of Landscape Architecture, or LA 212 (4) History of Modern and Contemporary Landscape Architecture, and
    • LA 170 (4) Principles of Design Communication.
  2. Additional courses and/or units to allow the student to meet minimum progress standards. Students must maintain a minimum of 12 units while following the ICMA requirements in order to allow students to complete Landscape Architecture major degree requirements, GE courses, support courses, or electives in a timely manner.
  3. GPA requirements, as determined by the department. In order to be considered for a change of major in the Landscape Architecture major, students must have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 (current term, CP cum, Higher Ed).
  4. In order to stay on track with the flow chart for the Landscape Architecture major, students accepted into the major must successfully complete LA 101 in the Fall quarter along with the other second year major courses that are part of the Landscape Architecture curriculum (LA 202, LA 243, and LA 220). Students must have been accepted into the major and completed the first two years of the curriculum in Landscape Architecture before they are allowed to enroll in third year courses.

IV. Application Steps for Change of Major to Landscape Architecture

  1. Step One. Talk to an advisor in your current major to ensure that your current major is not the best academic fit for you at this time.
  2. Step Two. Meet with the Landscape Architecture Department Head to initiate an ICMA. Bring the following items with you:
    • One page written statement that identifies your prior personal experience and career goals related to the proposed change of major to Landscape Architecture.
    • Completed Class Scheduling Worksheet indicating courses in which the student is currently enrolled and projecting the course load for the next five quarters.
  3. Step Three: If the student receives a positive assessment based on consideration of the process outlines above, and it is clear that he/she can complete degree requirements in the Landscape Architecture major within the unit maximum, an ICMA will be initiated for the student.


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